Many people still smoke. Even though the number of public spaces for smoking has declined, the price of cigarettes has increased and some graphic pictures were put on the label to raise awareness, still many people have difficulties stopping smoking. Those people always ask "Is smoking a cigarette related with hair loss?" So, I'm going to tell you about it today. In fact, smoking causes some gruesome diseases besides hair loss. Stroke, cardiovascular diseases like heart attack are really scary. We might die from them. Also, smokers have a much higher chance of lung cancer so that they might die from cancer. Likewise, smoking leads to some terrible diseases. However, the relation between hair loss and smoking hasn't proved yet. Probably people reading this article so far think then they can smoke cigarettes. The conclusion is smoking certainly accelerates the balding process. Having a good blood supply is essential in order to keep hair follicles strong. As yo...
Noble-line Hair Transplant Centre in South Korea is a clinic leading in the technological advancement of hair transplant. Noble-line is popular for its safe, fast and professional hair transplant procedures, using a non-incisional hair harvesting method which is called FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction).