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How to diagnosis hair loss easily

Alopecia is defined as the absence of hair of the head where hair normally grows. It generally means the terminal hair(thick and black hair) on the scalp falls out.
Terminal hair unlike vellus hair which is uncolored and thin, causes problems in cosmetic aspects when it falls out.

However, many balding patients hesitate to go to see a doctor. If so, you can diagnosis by yourself through simple checklist.

1. Grab gently the hair in the crown area with one hand and use the other hand to hold the hair at the back with the thumb and forefinger. Check the difference of thickness and the amount of hair.
2. The drain hole is easily clogged whenever washing the hair.
3. Large amount of hair strands stick to the clothes or pillow.
4. Signs of itchiness and oily skin with flakes on the scalp like seborrheic dermatitis.
5. The scalp of the part is visible when holding a mirror up to the crown of the head.

If you are applied to two things above, your hair loss may be in progress. Especially, getting thinner and weak hair strands would be early signs of balding.

Male pattern hair baldness shows thinning hair and wide M-shaped forehead with receding hairline and corners, so the baldness slightly progresses mainly on the crown.
If often occurs in people who have a family history of alopecia. Even without a family history, it can appear after becoming an adult. On the other hand, female pattern hair loss features thinning hair at the top of the head while hairline above the forehead is maintained.

Wide forehead makes people look old and their face big. Lately many people suffer from wide and empty forehead. However, they hesitate hair transplant because they think it needs incision and shaving the hair.

Noble-line Hair Transplant Center uses a laser pointer which complements asymmetric hairline and performs customized hair restoration depending on hair density. It will bring natural results with implanter of slit techniques depending on each patient's scalp and hair condition.

Total-view show before and after images with videos instead of stop-motion pics. Every step is shot in film by appointing combing direction and numbers to show accurate condition of scalp and hair, which is applied both before and after procedure. This guideline was presented in The International Society for Biometric and Statistical Society journal and received advisories from Johns Hopkins physicians for medical quality.

If you want to learn more about hair transplant information (and others) 
then please feel free to contact us. 
E-mail : ncac77@gmail.com 
Youtube : Nobleline hair transplant for Asian
Address : Benehime City building B1162, Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


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